Warhammer 40,000

Space Marines
If you ever get a chance to pick up one of these I suggest you do.
  As an old gamer myself the classics are the best.
The box includes enough sprues to make about 30 marines, depending on how you put them together, or even if you play that way.  Some of you I know have bit boxes with complete sets.
I suggest you seperate and clean all your pieces.  Some suggest you wash them in soap, but just as long as you (with a small hobby knife) clean off all the flasch. Make sure you keep your area clear, to avoid loss.  I can't tell you how many times iv'e found small peices in the trash next to my desk. Then again some of you hobbiests take pride in your mess, and couldn't find anything if it wasn't that way.
Now start fresh with every new box you open, and try to build as many marines as you can.  Then with the extras, finish broken models or models needing parts. Althoe buying a box or a blister pack to augument a miniture, or because it looked neet isn't beyond me. Like I said thoe, the excess parts usually end up in the trash, or if your an old hand like myself in the bit box.

I know people that have enough parts in their bit boxes to make armys that would rival my own.
 But like I said when your done putting your marines together, save your bits as you can use them later.
Now if your like me a new box opens a whole new relm.  Aside from finishing a whole box, you can finish or refinish old models with new arms and such.  E-Bay has nearly complete armys for nearly nothing.

$30 on E-Bay
$30 on E-Bay

But I must admit a finished box set looks great.

I prefer blue for my large armys which leaves Crimson Fists, or Ultra Marine standard box labels and everything
My choice is the beaky Rogue Trader armor
An entire company finely painted and ready to play.
In my opinion the old box set is the most customizable. 
I have seen alot of gerat dioramas that have the old marines.
They are a little less techinal looking, but the classic look is great.
I have been into Warhammer since the 80's and have several armys, as well as other aquisitions, books and such.  In my opinion Games Workshop  is a first rate institution with many fine items.  I've had alot of fun over the years within this hobby.

                                                                           Thank You